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Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

A Poem For You

I see your shadow from the darkness,
I want to catch it,
but again n again I failed,
You look so near but you are so far,
really so far...

You give me sweet memories,
You come to my heart, in the deepest,
I can't let you go far away,
but you can't stay,
although your heart still here,

You gone in smiling,
but your heart never go anywhere,
I hold it forever n whenever,
miss you always, I give this poem
only for you,,,,
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Aku adalah simple person,
suka berteman sama siapa saja, ingin slalu maju meraih impian dan harapan, tak lekang oleh waktu, tak mengenal usia, tak mengenal lelah, mengejar asa yang senantiasa ada di depan mata. Aku tidak suka menyombongkan diri, dan aku juga tak suka dengan orang sombong. Banyak kulihat orang sukses yang sombong dengan harga dirinya. Allah juga tidak suka dengan orang sombong, masih kuingat dengan kalimat janganlah kau berjalan di muka bumi ini dengan sombong,,smileeeeeeeee,,love you all.
I', a simple person.
like to make friends with everyone, want to succesful to reach dreams n hopes, without see the time, without see the age, without feel tired, catch hopes that always be in front of eyes. I don't like tobe arrogant, n I don't like with the arrogant persons. I often see the succes person who be arrogant with themselfs. God also doesn't like with arrogant person, I still remember with the sentence, and don't walk on the earth arrogantly.